Blood cancer charity seeks local heroes


BLOOD cancer charity Anthony Nolan is searching for local heroes to join its army of 1,221 army of bone marrow donors in Warrington
Their search is being championed by Warrington North MP Helen Jones (above) who has been supporting the charity for two years.
There are already 1,221 selfless people in her constituency willing to donate their stem cells,  or bone marrow,  to save the life of a stranger.
Nationally, there are more than 500,000 people on the Anthony Nolan Register – the world’s first bone barrow register
The charity has been saving lives for more than four decades by matching people willing to donate their bone marrow to patients in desperate need of a transplant.
Two thirds of the UK patients will not find a matching donor from within their families – instead they turn to Anthony Nolan to find them an unrelated donor.  But the charity can currently only find a match for around half of those who come to them in desperate need and they still urgently need more people to come forward.
Two years ago, Ms Jones joined the fight against blood cancer.
She said: “Two years ago we had 1,100 heroes on the register here in Warrington North.  That has increased by over 100 but we can still do better. That’s why I’m hunting for more crusaders to sign up, so we can fight blood cancer together.  It is something truly heroic to give a stranger a second chance at life.  This is why I’m proud to champion this cause with my constituents. “
To join the Anthony Nolan register people must be 16-30 and in good health.  It involves filling out a simple online form and spitting into a tube.
But the charity needs heroes of all ages to champion the register at a local level and help spread the word – from schools, communities and workplaces to friends and family.
More details are available from [email protected]


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