Lib Dems have much to be proud of


LIBERAL Democrats have much to be proud of – in Warrington and nationally.
This was the New Year message to fellow councillors from Ian Marks, (pictured) leader of Warrington Borough Council.
He said: “We must keep reminding the public that Labour’s legacy to the country was a £1 trillion national debt, or £22,400 for every man, woman and child in Warrington.
“The interest payments on Labour’s debt cost us a staggering £120 million a day. But let’s not forget the bankers were to blame for this crisis too. The new government has restored international confidence in the country’s economic competence and there are signs of a recovery in our economy.
“After years of tribal two party pendulum politics, the country is starting to get used to coalition politics. After all it is the norm in most of Europe and no-one can accuse our government of being weak. In Warrington we have shown that two parties can work together very effectively and nationally we are doing the same.
“Of course there are compromises and no party can get its own way all the time. People will say things privately which differ from the agreed public line, but this is healthy and good for democracy. Single parties are coalitions and you only have to look at the Labour party to see this!
“Instead of worrying about the things we feel uneasy about, we should be concentrating on all the good things that have been achieved in less than eight months. Many parts of our Liberal Democrat manifesto have already been put into practice and more is in the pipeline. We go into politics to put into practice what we believe in and Liberal Democrats have not shied away from tough decisions nationally or locally.
“Over 800,000 low earners have been taken out of tax completely and the link between earnings and inflation for pensions has been restored. The pupil premium has been introduced to help disadvantaged children and ID cards are being scrapped. Central government red tape and bureaucracy has been slashed and more power given to local councils like ours and to local communities. We are determined to improve social mobility and don’t forget that the gap between the rich and poor widened under 13 years of a Labour government. Here in Warrington we are giving high priority to our ‘Closing the Gap’ programme.
So I say to you all, keep your nerve, because it’s going to be tough. But don’t let the doom and gloom merchants and deficit deniers get you down. I am very optimistic about the future.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. I just hope the gullible of Warrington don’t get taken in by this.

    “the bankers are to blame”. Partly, but they still do what they want and get big bonuses for failure.

    “remember the good things “traffic lights, speed controls” and forget the bad. “cutbacks in services, loss of jobs” And that is good?

    Finally, how is the agreed public line “democratic”? It is politics by bullying, not by representing those who elected you.

  2. Please don’t talk of residents of our Town in such a derogatory way. Yet this is the norm for Labour people. I sat in on a council meeting and a Labour Councillor laughted at a gentenal that asked a question. Don’t mock the rights of a resident – Labour should be ashamed – Warrington doesn’t want that.

    Remember it was Labours way to spend, spend and spend again that almost sent our country into meltdown.

    Labour talk the talk – remember the 10p tax rate – they did away with that hurting millions of families – old and young.

    Labour say the increase in VAT will put jobs at risk? so when it was reduced to 15% did it make more NEW jobs? NO That’s why we had 2.5 million unemployed.

    Lib Dems set the lowest increase in Council Tax for 10 years. How? Because they challenge through question and they are responsible with our council tax.

  3. “Lib Dems set the lowest increase in Council Tax for 10 years.”

    Don’t want to be pedantic Wise one, but isn’t it Tory Councillors who have run the finance department, Fiona Bruce then Paul Campbell if my memory serves me correctly.

  4. Lowest tax increase = lots of cutbacks and unemployment. Easy to keep taxes down by NOT doing anything that costs money. This town will have nothing the way it is going. I don’t think anyone is praising Labour, but I thought that whoever was in office was supposed to have the interests of the Borough at heart, not themselves.

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