School playing fields sold
for housing for ?1 million
by David Skentelbery
PLAYING fields at Warrington?s Cardinal Newman RC High School are to be sold off for housing development for more than ?1 million.
The sale of seven acres of land is part of a deal under which new community and school sports facilities will be provided on land owned by United Utilities at the rear of the school.
Members of the borough council?s executive board have approved the arrangements.
The package will provide:
New education and community facilities, including an all weather pitch.
Improved access and parking facilities for the school.
The transfer of about 11 acres of land, to the north of the school to the council.
A net capital receipt to the council from the sale of the land for residential development.
United Utilities will pay for and employ a specialist contractor and project manager to undertake and manage the delivery of the new community and school sports facilities to the council?s specification.
The proceeds from disposal of the residential land are split 50-50 after the utility company deduct their reasonable costs incurred in the delivery of the new community and school sports facilities. The council will receive about ?500,000.
The new facilities will need to be available for use prior to the council releasing the existing playing fields for development to ensure the curriculum needs of the school are met.
Work is expected to start on the new sports facilities in the spring and will take about 12 months. House building is like to start in the spring of 2009.
Council slammed by
Labour education chief
by James Parr
TOWN Hall bosses have been slammed by Labour?s education spokeswoman for their decision to reaffirm plans to close Warrington?s Woolston High School.
Coun Maureen Banner said she was ?disgusted? the plans had been given the final go ahead by the borough council?s executive board.
She said: “This is a devastating blow for pupils, staff, governors and the Woolston Community. The decision flies in the face of the widespread opposition to the closure proposals not just in Woolston, but from across the whole town.
“Local people have run an astonishing campaign so far and this is not the end of the road for our local school which has served the Woolston Community for over 50 years.” Coun Banner said she was angry the borough council was trying to blame the Government for the proposed closure.
She said: “This is the ‘not me guv’ council. The decision to close Woolston High School rests fairly and squarely on this Lib Dem/Tory council.
“At every step of the way they could have backed down and supported the Woolston community – but they have decided unanimously to close the school. They should hang their heads in shame for trying to pass the buck.
“The whole town knows this to be true and it is despicable of them to play politics with the education of our young people.”
Tory chairman opens
new party headquarters
by Lesley Wilkinson
CONSERVATIVE party chairman Caroline Spelman officially opened newly refurbished offices for Warrington South Conservatives Association.
The MP visited Warrington to view the offices, off Wilderspool Causeway, which have been under renovation for the last few months.
She led a campaign strategy session led by key local campaigners and candidates.
Mrs Spelman said she was impressed by what the party had achieved in Warrington South during the past few months and noted that it was the fastest growing constituency in the North West.
David Mowat, the Conservatuive Prospective Parliamentary candidate for Warrington South, said: “We need a four per cent swing to win here.”
He said there was every indication the party would achieve this.
Warrington South is seen as a key seat to win if the Conservatives are to form the next Government.
“Iconic” nightclub to
re-open next year
MR SMITH?S Club looks set to re-open in March ? under new ownership.
Nightclub operator Nexum Leisure has announced it has acquired the iconic club at Bridge Foot, Warrington ? confirming several months of rumours.
Nexum chief executive Paul Kinsey said: “We are thrilled to have been able to acquire this large-capacity club which has achieved icon status both in Warrington and in the nightclub industry in general.”
At its peak, Smiths attracted clubbers from all over the North West ? but was something of a problem for police because of the large numbers of late night revellers it attracted to the town centre.
But it closed, apart from occasional one-off events, shortly after the death of founder John Smith in April 2005.
Mr Kinsey and the team at Nexum are hoping the club will regain its former status.
He added: “We are very much looking forward to the re-opening and can promise the town a late-night entertainment venue of which it will be truly proud.”
A campaign was launched by amateur theatre enthusiasts who believed the building ? originally a cinema ? could be transformed into a theatre for Warrington.
But they are now seeking another location for a theatre for the town.
“Company of the Year”
award for local firm
by Lesley Wilkinson
A WARRINGTON-based firm has been named ?Company of the Year? at the Mixology North Awards.
Commercial design and fit out specialists Claremont Group Interiors were presented with the award at a ceremony at the City of Manchester Stadium.
The award marked a year in which the company increased its turnover by 40 per cent, moved to new premises and developed a range of new services for clients.
Judges said the company had also focused on employee development and well-being, investment in new technology and corporate social responsibility.
Henry Pugh, the publisher of Mix Interiors magazine and organiser of the awards, said: “It is a recognition of the way in which the company works all round, especially in terms of building long term relationships with clients, developing employees and offering new services, especially in technology.”
Claremont managing director Mike Gardner said: “We’re obviously delighted. We’ve made incredible strides as a business this year, both in terms of our financial performance and in terms of what we offer to clients and the award is a well-deserved testimony to the hard work of all the people at Claremont throughout 2007.”
New Poppy
Day record
by David Skentelbery
MEMBERS of Lymm Royal British Legion have set a new record for the total raised by their annual Poppy Day Appeal ? and smashed through the ?10,000 barrier at the same time.
A total of ?10,080.43 was raised by the volunteers collectors and through collection boxes throughout the visit.
President Raymond Ashley said: ?Last year we raised about ?9,500 so we have beaten that by a significant amount.
?I would like to thank all Poppy Appeal collectors, all those who donated and all business who help by having one of our collection boxes.?
As usual, the collection was marred by thefts ? two collection boxes were stolen from village centre shops, even though they were fastened to the counter by cords.
Mr Ashley said: ?It is difficult to believe there are people who will stoop so low as to steal from a charity, but it happens every year. They must go prepared with a knife or scissors to cut through the cord.?
Somerfields? store, its staff and customers raised the largest amount for the collection – ?1,651.59.