I don’t think I’ve cringed and laughed so much at the same time, The Dirty Sanchez Movie is quite good.
Being a fan of all things cult and low-brow I was expecting a rotten-filthy hour and a half, whereas what I got was more polished than what I expected.
The basic plot, yes there is a plot!, is the 4 lads – Pancho, Dainton, Pritchard and Joyce – are charged with exploring the seven sins by a devil handsomely played by Howard Marks ( ). It’s a water-thin plot, but I wasn’t expecting any sort of structure really. They end up visiting random places in the world and do lots of very bad things to themselves.
If you’ve ever seen the TV show you’ll know it’s just a string of random ‘stunts’ and bits, whereas the film is done in that style but there are obvious ‘staged’ bits like when they go to meet the Yakuza in Japan and the going to hell to see Howard Marks bit I already spoke off. Other times it seems the bits where they get angry at eachother seem totally over-blown for the camera.
Many people palm Dirty Sanchez off as a Jackass imitation, but Dainton and Pritchard had been making a name for themselves doing this sort of thing on the British ‘skate scene’ with their own videos.
Go see it if you want to be made ill, fall down laughing and be filled with questions as to why anybody would do any of that stuff to themselves. Just don’t expect an Oscar-winning film.
Highlights include drinking fat drained from a lyposuction, Pritchard getting a tattoo on his penis saying ‘I Love Dainton’ and seeing Pritchard lose the tip of his finger in a cigar cutter-thing (i don’t know what it’s called).