THE busy Sandy Lane waste recycling centre at Stockton Heath looks set to close as Warrington Borough Council aims to make swingeing savings as it attempts to balance its budget.
Stockton Heath waste recycling centre will shut its doors permanently under the plans which will be considered by councillors on Monday night. The proposals will be discussed by the full council at a meeting later in February.
In 2018 more than 3,000 people signed a petition opposing plans to close the busy recycling centre – with the council eventually performing a u-turn following a campaign by local Cllrs.
And the council is proposing a £270,000 reduction with a review of spending on its libraries.
There will be a reduction of staff at Walton Gardens golf course too and a £130,000 reduction in early family support.
A review of council tax and business rate discounts is expected to save £900,000, according to a report that will go to Cabinet on Monday.
And a review of care purchasing is expected to save £2.73m. While a review of care packages could save £3.55m.
An unpopular proposed increase in parking charges in Lymm and Stockton Heath is expected to save £53,000.
The authority is seeking to increase council tax by 4.98% in the financial year 2025/6 with further annual increases over three years.
The report is to be discussed by Cabinet on Monday before the full council later in February.
A Warrington Borough Council spokesperson said: “Setting our budget for 2025/26 has been very challenging. In order for us to set a balanced budget, we’re having to consider some very difficult proposals. The proposal to close the Stockton Heath Community Recycling Centre (CRC) is one such difficult decision we are having to consider.”
This labour council really do know how to annoy the residents of south Warrington.
Should divide the town Into 2 parts Warrington south and Warrington north politically
We have a natural boundary the river mersey !
Warrington town, clean air, go green, it’s a joke, you build apartments on every round about and junction were traffic pollution is at its highest, and butcher every tree so you don’t have to pick the leaves up,