PLANS have been submitted for an extension to the award-winning Fox Covert Cemetery, Appleton to provide nearly 600 new burial spaces and additional car parking.
The cemetery – opened in 1957 off Red Lane – currently has about 200 burial spaces remaining, which means owners Warrington Borough Council has about two years of new burial space available.
The proposal is to extend the existing cemetery onto a piece of land to the east, adjacent to the existing churchyard cemetery. The land is owned by the council and is currently used for grazing.
About 596 burial plots and 100 square metres for cremated remains will be made available and additional car parking will be provided to cater for vehicles currently parking on Windmill Lane.
Fox Covert Cemetery is a popular beauty spot offering spectacular views of the Warrington area.
On a clear day, you can see as far as Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and the Winter Hill transmitter near Rivington.
There are benches around the cemetery, which holds a Green Flag award.