A regular at the new-look Raven Inn, which has supported a number of charities since opening last August, has inspired a fundraiser supporting Parkinson’s UK.
Inspired by ‘Cindy’s Story’, the Raven will be supporting World Parkinson’s Day on the 11th of April.
The support and sponsorship starts on April 9 with afternoon tea, sandwiches & cake for local people living with Parkinson’s, sponsored by one of the Raven Management Committee.
There will be raffles, a sponsored hike, collection boxes and a ‘Just Giving’ page.
Raven spokesperson Peter Sturman says: “This is an extremely worthwhile charity. We aim to provide something for local people living with Parkinson’s, as well as raising as much money as possible for Parkinson’s UK.
“I invite everyone to consider ‘Cindy’s Story’’
Cindy’s story
This is a true account from just one of around 153,000 people living with Parkinson’s in the UK. Every hour, 2 more people are diagnosed.
Cindy said: “I was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 1996, when I was 49 years old.
“It took me a long time to accept.
“In common with many newly diagnosed people, particularly those diagnosed at a relatively young age, I simply did not believe it.
“I was diagnosed a few weeks before I was due to marry. I asked my fiancé if he still wanted to marry me? Fortunately we have now been married for nearly 28 years.
“That first diagnosis, particularly when I came to accept it, changed my whole outlook on life.
“I think many of us go through life, for a long time, not really thinking about our mortality.
“Being told I had Parkinson’s. Being told I had an incurable progressive condition, caused me to reassess my life.
“It is a shock. It knocks you for six.
“When I started to get over that initial setback and accepted my condition, I decided I was not going to let it dictate my life. I have always been positive and a fighter. I have continued with that mind-set for the last 28 years.
“Parkinson’s is caused by a loss of nerve cells in part of the brain called the substantia nigra. This leads to a reduction in a chemical called dopamine in the brain.
Dopamine plays a vital role in regulating the movement of the body. A reduction in dopamine is responsible for many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s.
“A lot of people associate Parkinson’s with tremors. I have never had tremors.
“There are more than 40 symptoms but Parkinson’s affects everyone differently. Not everyone will experience all the symptoms.
“The first thing I noticed was that I lost my sense of smell. My handwriting became like a small spider crawling across the paper.
“I have been on medication since I was first diagnosed. In the main, my meds are dopamine replacement drugs. Over the years my condition has developed. It has been controlled by the medication. I now take eight tablets a day, most of them at three hourly intervals, mainly to keep my dopamine levels up.
“I get dizzy spells, particularly when I stand up. A few years ago I had a fall as a result of those dizzy spells and broke my neck. That took some recovering from! I have difficulty walking because of the Parkinson’s, I can freeze when trying to walk through a doorway, my voice is very quiet. When I walk into a room I feel everyone is watching me, I get hallucinations because of both the Parkinson’s and a side effect of my medication.
“There are definitely drugs and procedures that help, however, there is no cure for Parkinson’s. We don’t yet know exactly why people get Parkinson’s.
Cindy added: “I want to raise as much money as possible for Parkinson’s UK. Not necessarily for me. My Parkinson’s is well advanced.
Having lived with it for so long I dream of a time when there is a cure so that nobody else has to live with the condition for years and years. Even better, a time when it can be prevented.
“I know these are lofty goals.
“In the meantime I want Parkinson’s UK to be in the best possible position to help & campaign for those of us currently living with the condition and those who will be told, tomorrow, that they have an incurable degenerative condition.
“Please consider taking a moment of your time to donate to a cause that is doing so much for, and giving hope to, people like me and (sadly) those who will follow,” added Cindy.
Donations can be made online via https://www.justgiving.com/page/peter-sturman-1710373113753