A NEW plan is being launched to help improve the health and wellbeing of Warrington residents.
The borough’s new Health and Wellbeing Strategy, called “Living Well in Warrington”, sets out a vision for Warrington to be a place where individuals, organisations and our communities all work together to improve health and wellbeing through the creation of stronger neighbourhoods and greater equality.
Importantly, the strategy focuses on how collectively inequalities, can be addressed while dealing with challenges such as the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis and the climate emergency.
The strategy is underpinned by three core outcomes and it aims for Warrington to be a place where:
• Children are given the best start in life and can fulfil their potential.
• Adults can work and live fulfilling lives, in a vibrant and healthy borough.
• Older people enjoy a healthy, independent, and fulfilling old age, feeling safe and connected within their communities.
The new strategy reflects Warrington’s membership of the Cheshire and Merseyside ‘Marmot Region’ and shares the eight ‘Marmot’ priorities that will enable the three key outcomes to be achieved. These priorities are that Warrington will strive to:
• Give every child the best start in life.
• Enable all children, young people, and adults to maximise their capacity.
• Create fair employment and good work for all.
• Ensure a healthy standard of living for all.
• Create and develop healthy and sustainable places and communities.
• Strengthen the role and impact of ill health prevention.
• Tackle racism, discrimination, and their outcomes.
• Pursue environmental quality, sustainability and health equity together.
The strategy has been developed by the council’s public health team in collaboration with members of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The board represents a wide range of organisations from across Warrington, including the NHS, GP practices, community and voluntary organisations, schools and the Police. Together they will work to make Warrington a place where all residents live healthy lives to enable them to grow, live and age well.
Health leaders from Warrington’s Health and Wellbeing Board will meet at Great Sankey Neighbourhood Hub on Thursday to officially launch the new strategy.
Cllr Paul Warburton, chairman of Warrington’s Health and Wellbeing Board and borough council cabinet member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “Through the collaborative development and approval of our town’s new Health and Wellbeing strategy, we have created a significant milestone and a vision of a healthier Warrington. It has clear outcomes, priorities and ambitions and will act as our collective guide to support and enable all Warrington residents to be as healthy and independent as possible.
“The strategy is a clear commitment from the members of the Health and Wellbeing Board to everyone in Warrington, that we will work in partnership to ensure all our children are given the best start in life so they can fulfil their potential, support adults to live healthy fulfilling lives and ensure older people live healthy, independent and active lives as part of their community.
“On behalf of the Health and Wellbeing Board I would like to thank the council’s Public Health team for all their work in developing the new strategy and for their ongoing work in promoting and protecting the health of Warrington residents.”
Warrington Borough Council’s Cabinet member for public health, Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, said: “This plan is for everyone in the town, and it sets out how we will promote a healthy, thriving Warrington. We know that where and how people live can affect their physical and mental health and consequently their life-chances. Sadly, it remains true that people in some areas of Warrington may not have the same opportunities to live the long and healthy lives that people in other parts of the town can expect. We all need to acknowledge the importance of working together to help close the health gaps across our communities.
“Our plan aims to tackle the differences in health and improve outcomes for everyone, giving all residents the opportunity for a healthy life.
“By embracing the priorities set out in this plan, across services and using new ideas and technology, I believe that together we can make a positive impact that can transform lives.”