A mum and son involved in a family drug dealing business in Warrington have both been jailed.
Robert Renwick and Angela Sparrow are now behind bars along with his sister and her daughter, Terrie Renwick, who was jailed at an earlier hearing for the same criminal behaviour.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that 33-year-old Robert Renwick became involved after his sister’s partner ran up a £15,000 drug debt and the family came under threat.
Depression led him to alcohol and drugs and consequently, he ran up his own drug debt so began supplying to pay it off.
He lived with his sister Terrie, 32, in Vulcan Close, Warrington, until she moved in with their mum in Rendlesham Close, Warrington, and used her mum to transport drugs to customers.
Both he and his mum used different graft phones to send out hundreds of flare messages alerting customers to their wares and supplying on credit.
They were arrested on July 5 last year as part of a covert police operation into street dealing, said Henry Riding, prosecuting.
They both made no comment when interviewed but Robbie Renwick, who has been in custody since his arrest, went on to plead guilty to being concerned in supplying cocaine on the basis “he occasionally sold cocaine using his own telephone number.”
He also admitted to possessing drugs with intent and was jailed for three years.
His mother Sparrow, aged 58 was convicted after a trial of being concerned with supplying cocaine and was jailed for 32 months. Her daughter Terrie, who has previous similar convictions, received seven years at an earlier hearing.
The judge, Recorder Mark Shepherd, said that the family’s involvement was towards the lower end of street dealing in cocaine and spanned four and a half months.
He said that Terrie Renwick would not have been able to carry out her drug business without her mother transporting her to customers.
Michael Scholes, defending, said that Sparrow “still continues to maintain denials.”
She has a long history of drug addiction and mental health problems. “She is not steeped in drug dealing. It was small-scale dealing to existing drug users.
“Terrie Renwick is the more powerful personality. She was providing transport for her enterprise,” he said.
Sparrow, who wiped away tears in the dock, has had a curfew condition for the last 218 days and will lose her home if jailed, said Mr Scholes.
“She has ruined her life. It is an incredibly sad situation for a woman with the range of illnesses she has,” he added.
Defence barrister Zahra Baqri, said that Renwick had worked as a doorman and ran a car mechanics business for three years until he got involved with drugs after his sister’s parter ran up a £15,000 debt.
“He doesn’t seek to excuse his actions but to explain. He knows a custodial sentence must follow.”
Little rat that Ange Sparrow. Hope she rots and rattles inside, how she’s worked herself out of jail for years god knows.
Don’t believe this story she has been dealing way before her kids came along and has ruined many peoples lives. She manipulates and bullies people.
Robbie’s the only decent one out of them all . All set him up and they fucked him over . Says it all really when you’re nearly 60 looking like that and setting your own son up … not arsed unless it gets her out of shit and she can find another way of being a crack head when she gets out . Feel sorry for Robbie
Sounds like Angela Sparrow. A complete grass to get her ass out of prison. Well not this time, and got a feeling she will be spending a lot more time inside. She needs to be restrained from being in Warrington.
Always the crying victim. But all she does is ruin people’s lives.
She is the ring leader always has and always will. Police have wanted her for years. Proper scum bag.
Imagine being a mother and doing and looking like that . It’s appalling ! I hope they both rot in hell and the scruffy little piss bag boyfriend terrie Ann has .
She deserves to lose her home .
She should have thought about what she could lose before she embarked on this drug dealing.
And when she’s released from prison she will find life extremely hard in a bed sit
That little rat always finds a way.