PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have given the go-ahead for a thriving dance school to expand.
The JC Dance Academy in River Road, Latchford has won planning consent to erect a prefabricated building adjoining its existing premises. It will be used to provide an additional dance studio.
Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee was told the dance academy had used a former community centre on the site since 2013. The new, single-storey building would enable them to expand.
The proposed building would be single-storey and would measure 10.8 metres by 6.6 metres with a pitched roof. The building would be timber-clad.
One nearby resident objected on the grounds of a noise nuisance But planning officers said the new building would support the expansion of a local business and enhance the services which could be provided to the local community.
The development would have no significant impact on the character and appearance of the area or the amenity of nearby residents.