A BATTLE to block plans for an electricity sub-station in a conservation area at Lymm has been lost.
Twenty three nearby residents, Lymm Parish Council and borough councillor Graham Gowland opposed the scheme, on land off Mayfield View, Lymm.
But Warrington’s development management committee approved the scheme after planning officers said the development would not have any detrimental impact on residential amenity.
The site is off Mayfield View, Lymm, about 150 metres from Lymm Hall, which is Grade 2* Listed and has a number of other heritage assets within its grounds.
Objectors were concerned about noise issues for residents of Mayfield View and Rectory Lane, likely anti-social behaviour in an unlit access path leading to the sub-station and doubts about the need for the facility.
But planning officers said the sub-station was needed for five dwellings already being built near to Lymm Hall.
Any harm caused to the character of the area would be less than substantial. It was unlikely the sub-station would need to be accessed on a regular basis so there would be no unacceptable disturbance for existing residents from comings and goings.