Tempted By a Personalised Number Plate? 4 Factors to Help You Decide


Personalised number plates are a fun way to make your vehicle more personal. They are a great way to add a bespoke touch to a treasured car, and also useful for businesses.

Instead of accepting the plate that came with your vehicle, you can create a bespoke registration that says something special or important in your life. They are a popular asset, and this industry has yet to go out of style. So, if you are sitting on the fence as to whether or not a personalised plate is right for you, here are four factors to help you decide.

The Process

The process of registering a private plate requires you to follow the rules. All registration plates on both commercial and personal vehicles must adhere to legal guidelines so they are roadworthy and won’t come with a penalty or removal. When creating a private plate and putting it on your car, make sure the manufacturer is reliable and that you have ticked all the boxes. Don’t accept a product that isn’t in sync with the following standards.

  • The font has to be one prescribed by governing bodies. It can’t be modified for design purposes.
  • It has to be purchased from a regulated manufacturer and not just any design company on the high street. They have to be verified and understand all the legal stipulations. Don’t lose out on your vision because you chose the wrong business to bring your dream plate to life. There are a number of home accessory and décor channels that make number plates to hang up on your wall at home, but these will not be suitable to attach to a vehicle.
  • There has to be a certificate of entitlement, known as a V750 certificate from the official DVLA department. This costs around £80 and is an essential first step. This document will be required by any company before they are able to produce your personalised plate.
  • Don’t use the plate before you have this certificate, even if you’ve been able to have it made somewhere. This is illegal and you may have the asset seized.
  • The age of the vehicle is an important factor. It is against the law to misrepresent how old your vehicle is through misleading number plate lettering.
  • Patterned backgrounds are not allowed. The plate has to adhere to visibility standards that are required on all cars and similar driving on the roads.
  • The front plate is to have a white background with black lettering, and the back plate is to have a yellow background with black lettering. There is no scope for modifying this requirement.

The Cost and Your Budget

Your budget will determine what options you have. If you are looking for a completely bespoke plate that is not restricted by displaying the vehicle date, this will cost a bit more. If you just want a few personalised letters, this suits a smaller budget. These plates range from £200 all the way up to £60,000 and the price is determined by various things; for example, the exact letters and numbers you want and how many there are, as well as which vehicle the plate is being added to, and what availability there is in the market, i.e., the consumer demand. So, if your budget is not enough to get the exact design that you want, it is worth pausing and saving some more cash so you don’t have to compromise.

Keeping an Open Mind

It is not always possible to get the exact personalisation that you have decided in advance. There are multiple factors dictating availability from what is legal to whether or not the plate concoction is already established on the road. To avoid disappointment, keep an open mind while you are exploring all the options out there. There are reputable companies that can guide you with your choice of lettering and numbers on private plates, and these channels are worth using to secure the best possible result.

Know Your Options

There are four options for private plates in this country.

  • Prefix
  • Suffix
  • Dateless
  • Current

Dateless Plates

All plates that are not personalised are constructed around the date of the vehicle. This is clearly displayed alongside additional letters or digits. With dateless plates, despite them being the most expensive option, you can have whichever combination you want as long as it’s available. This might be a birthday, special anniversary, or another significant occasion close to your heart.

Prefix Plates

If your vehicle was built between 1983 and 2001, you may have to opt for a prefix plate. This style has an alphabetical digit that represents the year of manufacture.

Suffix Plates

With suffix plates, unlike prefix ones, the year of the vehicle is put at the end of the plate with two numerical digits. Prefix and suffix plates are the cheapest way to personalise a registration because they are the most common and straightforward.

Current/New Style

These plates were introduced after 2001 prefix plates. They use a combination of letters and numbers to represent the area a vehicle was made and similar.

For personalised plates, if you pay a higher price, you are not restricted to any of the above styles for the registration number. For a smaller budget, you might have to opt for one of the predetermined formats as include a date on the plate. It all depends on what you are willing to compromise on and how much money you are able to spend on the venture. Talk your options through with an expert and do as much research as possible before deciding on the final design. You don’t want to get this wrong, as it will render the whole process useless!

Who Can Have a Personalised Number Plate?

Anyone who owns a vehicle outright can put a personalised plate on it. The only exceptions are vehicles like emergency ones (ambulances, police, etc); official company cars that you don’t own but have access to; and cars on a lease agreement, as they are not officially yours until the full price has been fulfilled. Therefore, if you paid the full price and the car is registered in your name, it is yours to do whatever you wish with. This counts for company vehicles too, unless they fall under any of the previously mentioned limitation zones.

So, I Can Personalise a Work Vehicle?

Yes! You can absolutely personalise the plates on a work vehicle, and there are several advantages to doing so. It is an effective method for showing off your brand, catching the eye of potential customers, and taking your image with you wherever you go. Remember, you have to own the vehicle before you can personalise it. If it is a company car or similar, it is technically not yours to modify and therefore, a legal grey area.

If you can’t stop thinking about personalising your vehicle, finding the best plate for your vision is a great path to choose. Being tempted by private registrations is a natural thing, as making your prized possessions bespoke enhances their overall special appeal. Before you start the process, ensure that you have a realistic budget, understand the law around private plates, and know which style options are available. Above all else, always use a reputable manufacturer to avoid any unwanted repercussions!


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