Time is running out to have a say on the Local Plan


TIME is running out to have a say on Warrington’s Local Plan – a vital document that will affect the future development of the borough for many years to come.

Monday, November 15 is the closing date for responses to the consultation on the plan.

The consultation started on October 4 – and the South Warrington Parishes’ Planning Working Group is anxious to ensure as many people as possible take advantage of the chance to comment on the proposals.

Group chairman Cllr Cliff Taylor said: “We welcome some of the changes in the new version of the Local Plan for Warrington but believe that further substantial modifications are still needed to avoid Green Belt release altogether.

“We need to ensure that social and physical infrastructure is in place before, not after, any development. We should maximise regeneration in the town centre. There must be a greater recognition of the pressing need to tackle climate change and there should be a strategy that does not rely entirely on road transport, as this one does. There must also be more action on reducing inequalities.

“We do not believe the plan in its current form is deliverable. The proposed number of houses being built each year is far higher than the rates that have been achieved in the past. We also doubt the reliability of the predictions for growth that have been used in this plan.
“It is vital that as many of us as possible respond to the consultation. There is an online form but the easiest way is to send an email with your comments to [email protected]

“Information on the plan is available at www.warrington.gov.uk/localplan
“The more people that respond, the more likely it is that the council will listen to our views. The Parishes Working Group will be submitting a detailed response to the consultation prepared by our planning consultant with advice from a barrister”


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