TWO community groups from Warrington joined forces to organise parallel litter picks to tackle and raise awareness of the litter problems facing Warrington and communities across the country.
Thirty volunteers turned out on a showery Sunday morning – in the Appleton area for a Plastic Free Warrington pick led by volunteer Paul Connor and at Latchford, to a Clean Up My Community pick led by volunteer Tony Dixon.
Between them they managed to collect a staggering 60 bags of litter, as well as collecting or reporting fly-tipped items as varied as a plastic drain-pipe, a plasma TV and a microwave!
Between them they have now gathered over 1,200 bags of litter in the 11 months since they started counting!
Paul Connor says the groups are aiming to encourage local communities to take positive action to reduce the amount of litter on our streets, as well as to raise awareness of litter, single-use plastic and other waste in order to encourage everyone to take a greater responsibility for helping to address these globally-important problems.
He says Plastic Free Warrington is keen to further expand its work with local businesses, community organisations and individuals to help reduce pollution by single-use plastics, as part of the nationwide campaign run by charity Surfers Against Sewage.
Tony Dixons added: “Litter picking in a group is a sociable, mindful and purposeful exercise. By doing this we are “being the change we wish to see” – to quote Gandhi – and showing that we care deeply about our environment in this town. It can connect the individual with the natural environment and restores both.”
Paul and Tony are immensely grateful for the incredible show of support both today and in general.
Paul added “Between us we run at least two litter picks a week – on Tuesday afternoons and every weekend, most often Sunday mornings – and turn-out seems to increase each week. It really is amazing!”.
For more information about their many upcoming picks and other events all over Warrington on either groups’ Facebook Events page: or
Tony concluded: “we are keen for more volunteers to help us continue this work. It is good exercise, and many good conversations are held with some very good people!”
Meanwhile another community liter pick is being co-ordinated in conjunction with Warrington Borough Council on roads near the Appleton Thorn Barleycastle Road industrial estate this coming Saturday, March 14.
Volunteers are asked to meet at the Thorn Inn car park at 8.30am for a 9am start. There will be rolling road closures in place. The event is open to anyone aged over 14 and takes place from 9am to 12 noon.
You can register interest in the event here
The council will also be carrying out litter picking on the Sunday but this is not a public event due to highway safety issues.
But local residents should be aware of the rolling road closures in the area.
1 Comment
Well done these people! Great to see