MP backs shopworkers’ union over civil liability bill


MP Helen Jones has pledged her support for shopworkers’ union Usdaw’s campaign against government proposals that will restrict injured workers access to justice by pushing more cases through the small claims court in England and Wales.
Measures linked to the Civil Liability Bill, which is due to have its Second Reading in the House of Commons on September 4, will double the threshold for cases taken in the small claims court to £2,000.
Usdaw is backing the cross-party Justice Select Committee recommendation of a £1,500 limit, which reflects inflation since the limit was last set in 1999.
The Warrington North MP said: “ I wholeheartedly support the Usdaw campaign which seeks to stop the government forcing injured workers into the small claims court where the costs of legal representation cannot be recovered from negligent employers.”
Usdaw fears that an increase to £2,000 will not only restrict access to justice, but also have a damaging effect on workplace health and safety.
Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis said: “Over 350,000 accident victims per year who currently receive legal representation will have this essential support removed by unfair, unnecessary and unjustified legislation. While injured workers will be forced to fend for themselves, employers will still be able to pay for expensive lawyers to represent them. “


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