AS Council Tax bills begin to arrive in Warrington, borough council leader Terry O’Neill has hit out at the Government’s approach to funding the increasing costs of adult social care.
Cllr O’Neill said: “Each Council Tax statement for 2016/17 has a line Adult Social Care Charge – but it should really be called the Osborne
“The Tory government needs to face up to their responsibilities to providing a nationwide solution to looking after the health and social care needs of pensioners and vulnerable disabled people.
“Instead of central Government paying for this care bill, the Government has slyly passed on the cost to local council tax
payers through this two per cent Osborne Tax!
“But this two per cent Osborne Tax is just a sticking plaster because it will only raise £1.6 million of next year’s £5 million increased adult social care bill in Warrington.
“It is shameful that the Tory government has decided to passport these extra charges to local communities. The NHS is funded nationally by central Government and so should all Social Care services.
“It should also be noted that the Council Tax bill also includes a massive 3.2 per cent hike in the precept imposed by the
Conservative Police and Crime commissioner.”
Council leader slams “Osborne tax”