WARRINGTON and Halton Hospitals are working to ensure that disruption to patients is kept to an absolute minimum during the forthcoming industrial action by Junior Doctors planned for January 12 and 26 and February 10.
Medical Director Professor Simon Constable advises that unless “patients hear from us directly by telephone” they should present for their appointment/procedure as normal.
“We have a good relationship with our junior doctor colleagues and whilst recognising their right to strike following the national ballots, we are working to maintain as close to normal a service as possible.
Consultants and other senior clinicians will cover the shifts for junior doctors who are taking industrial action to ensure that patients are provided with safe care.”
There will be further updates as the situation develops and latest information will be available at www.whh.nhs.uk or via the hospitals’ Facebook and Twitter feeds.
Members of the public are reminded that although Accident and Emergency services will continue to operate it is likely that there will be long waits to be seen and patients should explore more appropriate options in the first instance if their condition is not life threatening.
More information on options is available here: http://www.whh.nhs.uk/news_item.asp?fldID=399