School is “going from strength to strength”


EDUCATION watchdog Ofsted has praised Warrington’s Meadowside Primary and Nursery school for going “from strength to strength.”
A huge transformation has taken the school from “requires improvement” in 2013 to “good” now – and inspectors say the school’s performance continues to head in an upward direction.
Ofsted says the Longford school is “well led and managed” and senior leaders are praised for providing clear direction and demonstrating good capacity for further improvements’.
The progress that pupils make and the standards that they reach in
reading, writing and mathematics have improved by the time they leave the school in Year 6, the inspectors report.
They also recognise the quality of teaching, engaging curriculum, and the
attractive and welcoming environment of the school.
Children are praised for their behaviour.
“Pupils are confident and well-mannered and make visitors feel very welcome. Children enjoy coming to school and are keen to learn. They have high regard for their teachers,” the report adds.
Acting head teacher Jane Hodgkinson, who was recognised for her strong leadership and “relentless determination” said: “This is a huge achievement and recognises the significant improvements made to the school since 2013. Everyone involved in the school is overjoyed and has worked extremely hard to secure this judgement which is
thoroughly deserved. This is a fantastic outcome shared by the whole school community and we will continue our journey of improvement going forward.”
Cllr Jean Carter, Warrington Borough Council’s lead member for children’s services, said: “I am delighted to see such a rapid turnaround for the school.
“The success is testament to the strong leadership and support from staff. This is a fantastic outcome for the school and I am thrilled that pupils are not only engaged and happy but thriving during their time here.”
Areas for improvement were highlighted including improving the quality of teaching so that pupils make rapid progress and achieve even higher standards and strengthening systems to monitor pupils’ progress in subjects other than English and mathematics.
The report adds that the school development plan is sharply focused to address issues in a timely manner’
The nursery is “a bright and colourful, well-resourced environment
where children feel secure and are kept safe. Activities are fun, and capture and sustain the interest of the children.
“Adults are calm, kind and caring; consequently children grow in confidence and behaviour is good’.


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