RESIDENTS in Warrington may soon be able to save money on their energy bills thanks to Warrington Borough Council.
The council is joining forces with iChoosr and 46 other local authorities across the country, as part of the Big Community Switch.
Average energy bills now top £1,300 and it is thought the “switch” could save those who register up to £200 per year by using the combined buying power of residents to negotiate cheaper prices with energy companies.
Cllr Russ Bowden, executive board member for corporate resources and finance, said: “Retail energy prices continue to rise which is putting added pressure on already stretched household budgets.
“We believe this scheme will bring real benefits to local people so I would encourage as many as possible to consider making the switch, I certainly will be. The more registrations are made, the cheaper the final deal will be.”
People can register an interest in switching suppliers for free between Monday March 4 and Monday April 8, with no obligation to accept the offer. Those who join the scheme could benefit from reduced tariffs from May onwards.
Further details are available at
1 Comment
Great idea so well done to the council