Council squandering goodwill with unions


THE ruling Labour group on Warrington Borough Council is in danger of squandering the goodwill built up with the unions by the previous Liberal Democrat/Conservative administration.
This is the claim from Lib Dem group leader Ian Marks (pictured) following a letter from the GMB and UNISON unions sent to all councillors.
In the letter, union officers Jason Horan and Pam Howard (Unison) and Bob Pinnock (GMB) attack the Labour group for failing to consult with the unions in a meaningful way over proposed changes to employees’ terms and conditions.
They point out that while the council has pledged to make compulsory redundancy a last resort, they have sanctioned £3.3 million for redundancy payments and a further £5 million to fund pension costs.
The unions also accused the council of discriminatory tactics by proposing to “attack” the terms and conditions of front line staff rather than chief officers and more senior officers.
They accuse the council of “dithering” and making plans to make savings of £3.3 million rather than the £2 million required.
In a withering attack on Labour, the unions describe the Total Reward Package agreed with the previous Lib Dem/Conservative administration as “the ultimate document of modernisation which makes Warrington the employer of choice.”
Cllr Marks said when in power, the Lib Dem/Conservatives value their relationship with the unions.
There were “differences at times” but they felt able to talk to the unions and deal with them in a straightforward and open way, based on trust.
He said all concerned should be jointly proud of the Total Rewards Package.
Cllr Marks said his team had been willing to take tough decisions, having consulted in an appropriate way.
“It was the basis for our being able to achieve the many millions of savings we made over the five years we were in control.
“In contrast the letter from the unions accuses the Labour Group of ‘dithering rather than being decisive’. The delay means that the savings needed this year will not be achieved.
“The negotiations between the council and staff on terms and conditions were always going to be difficult. But I like to think that had we continued with our administration, we could have come to a satisfactory conclusion.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. This Reward Package seems to be a good thing – So not only at a national level but more so at a local level Labour fail staff and the town once again – time and time again – and to think they will be setting the budget for our town – Labour and budgets – I wouldn’t trust them to lace my shoes

  2. Strange how Cllr Marks “forgets” that it was his Lib Dem/Tory administration that put the £2m savings into the budget in the first place, let alone his “sell-out” Coalition that is screwing local authority budgets that makes cuts necessary! Yesterday’s man, today’s amnesia!

  3. What was Councillor Marks doing allowing senior executives to enjoy 9 per cent pay rises while cutting the budgets for front line services? Not saying that Labour are any better but can’t they all just give it a rest with this pathetic point scoring and actually act in the best interests of the town, something that no party seems even remotely capable of doing.

  4. Keep Watching says “This Reward Package seems to be a good thing”

    Er, no. It was anything but a good thing for many employees. Unless you call having your wages reduced by several thousand pounds a year a good thing. The TRP was devisive. It was a typical WBC policy of divide and conquer. It benefited certain sections of staff at the expense of other, mainly lower paid staff. The unions actually encouraged their members to vote in favour of the TRP, knowing full well that many of them would be substantially out of pocket. Shift allowances were abolished, weekend pay, for those who HAVE to work weekends, was cut by 60%. It’s too little, too late, from the unions. They should have kicked up a fuss in Dec 09 when the TRP was introduced. Instead they sat there all smug, telling us what a great deal they’d organised for the membership. Well, as far as I’m concerened, it’s thanks for nothing. The unions are just as much to blame for the current situation as anyone else. They were far too chummy with the senior management. As the saying goes “give ’em an inch and they’ll take a mile”. How true!

  5. Cllr Marks says “…..But I like to think that had we continued with our administration, we could have come to a satisfactory conclusion.” A satisfactory conclusion for WHO? Services and jobs have already been slashed in the sector dealing with the town’s most vunerable people and for them more is to come…….so obviously NOT satisfactory for them! Perhaps the details of both the Labour groups present proposals and the Lib Con Total Reward Package could be published IN FULL so that the general public are able to clearly see WHO actually benefits or loses under either scheme.

  6. Quote; “They accuse the council of “dithering” and making plans to make savings of £3.3 million rather than the £2 million required.” Bah! peanuts! why are they squabbling about 2-3 million? Why don’t they just drop the airy fairy £125 million Town Centre Regeneration Project …and the officers that thought it up? Whats the point of creating more empty shops? Wouldn’t it be more logical to create employment opportunities so that people can afford to buy from the shops we already have? Or is it that using public money in this way would not not benefit the right people?

  7. Agree wholly with your comments about cutting out political point scoring and acting collectively for the good of the borough, for once. The people awarded the 9% pay rises, were those who clearly weren’t doing their jobs properly so why on earth did the last adminsitration allow them to go through?

  8. Isn’t it time that Councillor Marks stopped harping on about the past? Certainly he is yesterdays man. If money has to be found from somewhere (and the current Coallition are not going to stop cutting grant from Local Authorities) then why does WBC not sell off the old Wilderspool Stadium they bought a few years ago. Is it not ripe for investment by a Developer and will provide a tidy sum for the Council to spend. Taxpayers are being taken for a ride when thew Chief Exevcutive and her Deputy are given 9% salary increase. Other front line employees are being made compulsorily redundant given half a days notice. Is this good employee relations/

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