Browsing: Holidays


Spain is known as one of the most popular sun-soaked destinations in Europe, and, in summer 2023 over 13 million UK travellers visited the Mediterranean country. With sandy beaches, a relaxed lifestyle and some incredible cuisine, it’s no wonder tourists go back year after year.

Holidays cheapest time to book a flight

Who said booking a flight is easy? If you want to score that cheap flight tickets, booking becomes a true art. The one that masters it, will be able to save both, time and money. But, when is the cheapest time to book a flight? We wish that there would be a scientific answer to that question. However, it all comes down to simple economics, going to that equilibrium of price and demand.


Welcome to Exclusive Travel, a travel company opened by Ian Robinson, born & bred in Warrington, based on my passion for travelling from the age of 21, living in Australia, and the lover of the world’s cultures, food, wines & glorious sunshine, at some of the world best destinations.