Charity in line for 26 national and regional awards


A WARRINGTON charity is celebrating after receiving news of a bumper crop of award shortlistings.
Bewsey-based Making Space and its staff are in the running for 26 national and regional awards, including five that recognise workers’ outstanding contributions during the pandemic.
Among the national awards for which Making Space has made the finalists’ list are the National Dementia Care Awards, National Care Awards, Markel Third Sector Care Awards and Great British Care Awards.
Shortlisted employees include Warrington-based IT field technician Andrew Haworth, who provides the technical support that ensures his colleagues can support people in their homes and communities.
Despite being identified as high risk for Covid-19 due to his type 1 diabetes, Andrew was adamant to not only continue his work but also to take on additional responsibilities. This included delivering PPE to services, often undertaking 14-hour days and driving up to 700 miles a day, putting the health of co-workers and the people who use Making Space’s services above his own.
Other superstar Making Space employees waiting to hear if they are winners are 75-year-old dementia nurse Gladys Nkola and residential home activity coordinator Dave Valentine, who on finding his wedding and dream honeymoon were cancelled due to Covid, took on extra shifts over that weekend to save the infection risk of bringing in agency staff.
Making Space, in Allen Street, runs residential homes, supported housing and community based services for adults with mental health conditions, learning disabilities and dementia. Employing more than 1,000 people, the charity also operates a number of support services for unpaid carers. It was established in Warrington in 1982 by David Lyne, a former development officer with the National Schizophrenia Fellowship.
Rachel Peacock, chief executive officer at Making Space, said: “This year has been the most difficult in memory for so many people. One of the positive things that has come out of the current situation is that people are recognising the amazing contribution made by key workers, including those working in social care.
“Making Space has always known that social care keeps the country running and that support workers are true heroes. It is testament to the dedication of our staff that we have been shortlisted for 26 awards. I send my heartfelt thanks to each and every person we employ around the country and am sure they are all united in rooting for our workers who have been nominated and shortlisted.”
The Making Space employees will find out whether they have won early next year.


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