Grieving mum shocked by drugs at Fox Covert Cemetery


A GRIEVING Warrington mum was shocked to find drugs at Fox Covert Cemetery in Appleton whilst visiting her deceased baby daughter.

Vicki Vero, from Orford noticed the damaged shelter as her young son was toddling near the area, and was mortified to see packages containing drugs on the floor next to the baby garden.

Vicki’s daughter’s headstone

Vicki said ”I think its totally disrespectful that people could do such a thing. We go to visit our daughter with her two brothers and are faced with this. Our youngest was toddling around and we noticed the absolute state of the hut in the baby garden and all the drug related items, including packets with residue of drugs.

“If people do drugs I’m sure they could find somewhere else to do this and not somewhere that families go to grieve and visit their babies. It literally knocked myself and my husband sick to think our baby is being surrounded by these selfish idiots!”

Vicki has shared images on Facebook in hope to catch those responsible for the illegal activities.

Vicki added ”You wouldn’t think it was the same place when you compare it next to our daughter’s headstone.”

The incident has been reported to the crematorium office and they have been to clear it up.

Stockton Heath police have also been informed.


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1 Comment

  1. That’s awful must have been so upsetting to see 🙁 Well done to the lady for reporting it and bringing it to peoples attention. Hopefully the idiot drug takers will see the pictures and news report and realise what they are doing there is totally disrespectful and very upsetting for everyone visiting their loved ones graves.
    The drug takers should step back and think about their own lives too…..after all if they continue taking drugs they could well find themselves in a grave there that their family and friends will tend and visit as they mourn their loss.

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